Backhand Serve
Serve | Lob Serve | Smash Serve | Body Serve | Backhand Serve
The Backhand Serve is a Serve hit with Backhand technique that is played from the service box on the server’s Forehand side. It creates a nasty angle and enables slightly quicker recovery of the T-Position, as the server doesn’t need to turn as when playing a standard Serve.
It is a very useful Serve to be able to play as the angle of the shot keeps the ball closer to the side wall, just as a standard Forehand Serve played from the server’s Backhand side will do.
Most commonly the Backhand Serve is played as a Lob Serve, although you can play a Backhand Smash Serve.
Execute a devastating backhand serve in five steps:
- Hit the ball like hitting a backhand a Volley – As with the Smash Serve and Body Serve, treat the Serve a bit like a Volley. As the Backhand Serve is often unnatural at first, people often come up with all sorts of awkward techniques, even if they otherwise have a great Backhand. Simply imagine you are playing a Backhand Volley Lob and don’t attempt to make any additions to your natural swing for this shot.
- Throw the ball at arm’s length – Space is particularly important with the backhand serve as people often crowd the ball a little when playing it as they find it awkward at first. When you throw the ball up to hit, make sure you throw it at around arm’s length to give yourself the required space to play the ball.
- Lift the ball – As it is a normally a form of Lob Serve we are aiming for height, so you need to make sure you get your racket underneath the ball and lift it upwards. Aim for the top third of the front wall or higher.
- Hitting the side wall – With the Backhand Serve, aim for your shot to clip the side wall towards the back of the court so that it bounces close to the back wall, making it a nightmare to retrieve.
- Bouncing before the back wall – As with all Serves, make certain your Backhand Serve bounces before the back wall so that it will not fly off the back wall and make for an easy return for your opponent.
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